Curriculum vitae

HANNELE KLEMETTILÄ (Hannele Klemettilä-McHale)

Born: Helsinki, Finland, 1966

Academic degrees and titles: Ph.D. (Medieval History),

Adjunct Professor (Cultural History)

Family: Tony McHale & Parson Russell Terrier Coco

Home: Sonning-on-Thames, UK

Hannele Klemettilä's publications include monographs, non-fiction books, articles, columns, and radio series. Her historical books have received a lots of space in media, critics' praises, and large audiences in Finland and abroad.

Hannele Klemettilä was born in Helsinki. After the secondary school graduation she lived several years in Paris and Oslo. She studied cultural history, art history, history of literature, and French language and culture at the University of Turku, Finland. She earned a Ph.D. in medieval history at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands. She was appointed Post-doctoral Researcher of the Academy of Finland in 2007, and was a Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, in 2009-2010. In 2010-2011 she had an Associate Research Fellowship at Birkbeck, University of London. She is currently Adjunct Professor of Cultural History at the University of Turku.

While researching for her monographs, Klemettilä has studied primary materials at the major European archives, libraries, and museums, for example, the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the Louvre in Paris, British Library and National Gallery in London, and Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana and Musei Vaticani in Rome. Klemettilä's research interests, to date, have focused on cultural history of the later Middle Ages, and in particular, the themes of death, violence, cruelty, otherness, culture of food, nature, animals, and symbolism.


「図説」食材と調理からたどる中世ヨーロッパの食生活 : 王侯貴族から庶民にいたる食の世界、再 現レシピを添えて . Hara Shobo: Tokio, 2023, 267 p. (Japanese edition of 'The Medieval Kitchen', translated by Eriko Takauchi)

中世纪厨房. Transl. by 欧阳瑾. Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences: Shanghai 2021, 320 p. (Chinese edition of 'The Medieval Kitchen. A Social History with Recipes', translated by Xiao Yang.)

Animals and Hunters in the Late Middle Ages: Evidence from the BnF MS fr. 616 of the Livre de chasse by Gaston Fébus. Routledge: New York 2015, 249 p.

Das Mittelalter-Kochbuch. Transl. by Tobias Rothenbücher. Anaconda: Köln 2013, 256 p.

Federigon haukka ja muita keskiajan eläimiä ('Federigo's Falcon and Other Medieval Animals'). Atena: Jyväskylä 2013, 193 p.

The Medieval Kitchen. A Social History with Recipes. Reaktion Books: London 2012, 223 p. (Chinese edition, 2021, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.)

Mansimarjasta punapuolaan. Marjakasvien kulttuurihistoriaa. ('A Cultural History of Berry Plants', written together with Dr Laura Jaakola, specialist in plant physiology, University of Tromsø) Maahenki: Helsinki 2011, 272 p.

Suomalaisen sotilaan historia. Ristiretkistä rauhanturvaamiseen. ('History of the Finnish Soldier ') Eds. Lauri Haavisto, Hannele Klemettilä ja Jukka Partanen. Karttakeskus: Helsinki 2011, 288 p.

Muinaisurhosta nihtiin. Suomalainen sotilas. ('The Finnish Soldier from the Stone Age till 1620'). Chief-editor Hannele Klemettilä. Karttakeskus & Weilin+Göös: Helsinki 2010, 256 p.

Keskiajan julmuus. ('Cruelty in the Middle Ages') Atena: Jyväskylä 2008, 365 p. For the sample translation of this book, see

Keskaja köök. Transl. by Maia Kivik. Varrak: Tallinn 2008, 256 p.

Keskiajan keittiö. ('Medieval Cookery') Atena: Jyväskylä 2007, 256 p., 2. ed. 2009.

Epitomes of Evil. Representations of Executioners in Northern France and the Low Countries in the Late Middle Ages. Studies in European Urban History. Vol. 8. Dir. Marc Boone. Brepols: Turnhout 2006, 388 p.

Ritari Siniparta - Gilles de Rais'n tarina. ('Story of Gilles de Rais') Atena: Jyväskylä 2005, 272 p.

Keskiajan pyövelit. ('Hangmen in Late Medieval Europe') Atena: Jyväskylä 2004, 182 p. If you are interested in this book, please contact the author directly. The sample translation by O. Witesman (availabe online) contains many errors and misunderstandings, for a more accurate translation please contact the author.

The Executioner in Late Medieval French Culture. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis. Ser. B. Tom. 268. Humaniora. University of Turku: Turku 2003, 336 p.

Forthcoming: Kalman karamellit ja muita keskiajan murhatapauksia (Deathly Sweets and Other Medieval Murder Cases). Docendo: October 2024.


ROUTLEDGE RESOURCES ONLINE - MEDIEVAL STUDIES (General Editor Hannele Klemettilä) June 2023-


Autumn 2021: Medieval Symbolism

Spring 2022: History of Animals

Autumn 2022: Food History

